ウィリアムズ ルイス
23歳 |
公務員 |
England出身 |
ゲイ |
#007 2016年2月撮影
I am so much happier for having ‘come out’. Every time I do I feel a sense of relief, and I have the courage to do it again. I first came out because I didn’t want to lie out of omission or commission. This is still the reason why I come out even now.
Coming out is a recurring thing with each new person that you meet. It may be scary, yet one of the most important things I do. Whether it’s your family or your coworker, there may always be some anxiety. But, these dialogues are important to usualise LGBTQIA+ relationships within society, especially in Japan.
I think the hardest person to come out to is yourself. Whether it’s your gender, sexual orientation or something else, just be yourself. It honestly gets better, so good luck!