Jason Lee Coates
ジェイソン リー コーテス (右)
42歳 |
オーストラリア出身 |
ゲイ |
#001 2015年3月撮影
Coming out is not just about telling your parents and friends that you are gay – it’s about something much bigger than that. It’s about expressing your 100% authentic self. Most importantly, it’s a self-admission, which allows you to be the best person you can be, with no hiding or lying or deception. Be proud of yourself and of your honest creative and personal potential. There’s no point living your life pretending to be somebody you are not – be the best person you can be and spread your glitter for everyone to see. Don’t be afraid. Be proud of yourself and inspire those who follow. Learn to love yourself and others will love you and respect you for it.
Yaochung Chang
ヤオチャン チャン (左)
34歳 |
会社員 |
台湾 台北市出身 |
ゲイ |
#001 2015年3月撮影