セス ライト (左)
29歳 |
教師 |
アメリカ出身 |
ゲイ |
#009 2016年4月撮影
Being LGBT may not be hard for all of us. But we can’t ignore that many of our LGBT brothers and sisters in Japan and around the world are living in fear and pain. The only way to inspire a more accepting world that embraces and respects LGBT people is to show those around you that someone they know and love is LGBT. That’s why coming out is so important.
I came out nearly 10 years ago in a small and conservative city in America. It was scary. Indeed some reacted negatively. But my family and friend’s initial support was so strong it shocked me. And everyone who loved me learned to understand that LGBT people aren’t scary. We’re just people. And today all of them have become advocates for LGBTs. We have to give our family and friends this chance to know LGBT people. Give them an opportunity to grow into better people who care about sexual minorities.
If we in Japan ever hope to have the right to marry the person we love, to have legally recognized families and the right to care for our partners as we age, then announcing our existence to the world is the first step.
八巻 貴美 (右)
32歳 |
自営業 |
北海道出身 |
ゲイ |
#009 2016年4月撮影