オリバー エド
23歳 |
学生 |
メキシコ出身 |
#015 2018年5月撮影
Coming out to me meant to stop caring about what other people thought I should be. Growing up everyone had an idea of what kind of person I needed to become, atheltic, a doctor, smart, polite, Etc. These are not bad things, but eventually I was obsessed with being perfect that I hid who I was in case the people around me wouldn’t like me or would think I wasn’t enough. To come out, I think, is more than a sexual coming out, its also spiritual and mental. It meant to be myself in all the different ways. It meant to let the person I wanted to be, overcome the person others wanted me to be. Even if they might not like it. I realized that if people don’t want to be with the real Edo in all the different ways that I am, then they don’t need to be with me at all. Allowing myself to come out let me be free, be happy, and allowed me to begin to develop and grow myself as much as I wanted.